Majors in this track focus on design, strategic communications, spatial and product design, languages, thought and expression, and more. Explore majors and view the curriculum plan below.

See the courses and activities recommended to explore within this track
Majors in the Fields of Arts, Humanities and Design
Apparel and Merchandising

Are you interested in studying apparel and textile design? Do you have interest in product development and sourcing? Could you see yourself working in the field of promotion, distribution, and retailing of consumer goods in the global environment? Would you like learning about the study of the cultural/historical, economic, social/psychological, and scientific aspects of the textile and apparel industry? If so, Apparel and Merchandising might be a major for you.
Department website: Design and Merchandising
Catalog: Major in Apparel and Merchandising
Fine Arts (studio art) and Art Education

Visual arts express human experience through an ever-widening range of media and materials, some of which include: oils, acrylics, pastels, charcoal, clay, plaster, steel, bronze, wood, copper, litho stones, and digital media. Visual artists create abstract works and images of objects, people, nature, topography, and events.
Integrated Visual Studies or Art History *

Does the history of human artistic expression interest you? Would you like to develop your artistic talents through structured study and practice? Do learning technical skills and creating artwork through a wide variety of mediums excite you? Do concepts and expressions of beauty motivate you? Are you interested in teaching others about art? Then, a major in Art may be the choice for you.
Department website: Art and Art History
Catalog: Major in Art (B.A.)
Catalog: Major in Art (B.F.A.) *
Communication Studies *

Are you hoping to receive a broad-based, liberal arts education? Is a major that can prepare you for a multitude of different careers appealing to you? Do you have interest in the media and visual culture, relational and organizational communication, and rhetoric and civic engagement? Would you like to further you knowledge and understanding of human communication? If so, you should consider a major in Communication Studies.
Department website: Communication Studies
Catalog: Major in Communication Studies
English *

Do the insights of literary figures from different cultures and time periods interest you? Do you enjoy communicating your ideas imaginatively and effectively? Does analyzing works of prose and poetry intrigue you? Would you like to develop a career in writing, editing or teaching? Does poetry awaken your spirit? Have you dreamed about writing a play or a novel one day? If you answered “yes” to any of these questions, then a major in English may be for you.
Department website: English
Catalog: Major in English
Environmental Horticulture

Do you enjoy starting plants from seed or propagating them? Does designing irrigation or sprinkler systems sound like fun? What about designing landscapes for homes or businesses or creating aesthetic interiors using plants? Have you wanted to have your own nursery business or garden center, tree-care company, or manage the greens at a golf course or baseball field? If you answered “yes” to some of these questions, a major in Environmental Horticulture may be for you.
Department website: Horticulture and Landscape Architecture
Catalog: Major in Environmental Horticulture
Ethnic Studies *

Are you fascinated by examining race, gender, class, sexuality, and other forms of social differentiation? Do you get excited learning about these socially constructed ideas shape the histories and experiences of racially marginalized groups? Are you interested in understanding issues of power, privilege, and social justice? Do you want to grow as a civic-minded and culturally informed student? Are you interested in strengthening the communities you are a part of? A yes answer may mean you should consider an Ethnic Studies major.
Department website: Ethnic Studies
Catalog: Major in Ethnic Studies
Interdisciplinary Liberal Arts

Are you committed to a life of learning and a broad-based education? Are you interested in knowing about past and contemporary cultures? Would you like exposure to a diversity of worldviews? Do you wish to develop excellent writing, speaking, thinking, and reading abilities? Would you like to study human behavior, history, and institutions in diverse societies? A “yes” answer may mean a major in Liberal Arts could be good for you.
Program website: Interdisciplinary Liberal Arts
Interior Architecture and Design

Are you aware that satisfaction with one’s surroundings in the workplace and at home affects performance? Do you want to be involved with making changes to the built environment? Can you envision creative and functional changes to spaces? Are you interested in color, textiles, interior architectural materials, how a space invites you to enter? If your answers to any of these questions are “yes,” then a major in Interior Architecture and Design may be for you.
Department website: Design and Merchandising
Journalism and Media Communication

Would you like to write and share information about a wide variety of topics? Does investigating and reporting real, behind-the-scenes stories intrigue you? Does the fast moving world of public relations and promotion of the latest products sound exciting to you? Would you like to use modern techniques and the tools of video communication? Then a major in Journalism and Media Communication may be a good fit.
Department website: Journalism and Media Communication
Landscape Architecture

Are you artistic and visually creative? Do you enjoy drawing and design? Does involvement in the planning of a community park or the redesign of an urban environment intrigue you? Would you like to improve local quality of life by designing a land restoration plan, a new open space, or a new recreation area? If your answer to any of these questions is yes, then a major in Landscape Architecture may be the choice for you.
Department website: Horticulture and Landscape Architecture
Catalog: Major in Landscape Architecture
Languages, Literatures, and Cultures *

Would you travel knowing you can communicate effectively and comfortably? Are you interested in learning about the geography, history, literature, and culture associated with the foreign language you learn? Would you like to become proficient in communicating in and understanding, speaking, reading, and writing in another language? If so, you may be interested in a major or minor in Languages, Literature & Culture.
Department website: Languages, Literature, and Culture
Mathematics *

Do you enjoy the challenges of solving mathematical puzzles and analyzing complex formulas? Are you good at organizing and analyzing information? Does the idea of calculating odds and probabilities fascinate you? Would you like to apply mathematics and mathematical modeling to the solution of engineering, planning, or risk management problems? If you answer “yes” to any of these questions, then you may want to consider a major in mathematics.
Department website: Mathematics
Catalog: Major in Mathematics
Music, Theatre and Dance *

Do you consider yourself creative, collaborative, and innovative? Would you like to discover your own unique identity through music, theatre, or dance? Are you interested in exploring your creativity through technical training, performances, understanding historical traditions, professional preparation, and production and design? Then a major in Music, Theatre, or Dance may be appealing to you.
Program website: School of Music, Theatre & Dance
Catalog: Major in Music (B.A.)
Catalog: Major in Music (B.M.) *
Catalog: Major in Theatre
Catalog: Major in Dance

Are you interested in the study of the truths underlying morality and reality? Would you like to study a particular branch of knowledge such as metaphysics, ethics, or social philosophy? Would you like to enhance your abilities to reason clearly, to distinguish between good and bad arguments, to think through complicated questions, and to use logic in situations that are influenced by emotions? Then a major in Philosophy may be what you are looking for.
Department website: Philosophy
Catalog: Major in Philosophy
* — denotes Undergraduate Teacher Licensure available for that major