How did others explore majors?
A successful professional takes the time to think about and explore what interests, skills, identities and values they have have and how those elements link to opportunities.
How will you explore you interests, skills, identities and values? What will you do to learn about your opportunities? Learn from others what steps were helpful in their process.
My favorite piece of inspiration is: A video from the Kid President

Tony H.
Declared: Communication StudiesNeed some online resources? The Career Center has great tools as well for whenever you need some tools – everything from learning about your interests to crushing a job interview!

Tiana T
Declared: Journalism and Media CommunicationTrying to make a decision but finding it to be more confusing than you thought? Check out this resource our undeclared advising team created about your decision making processes.

Caitlin C.
Academic Success CoordinatorMeet with your assigned undeclared advisor for an Exploring Majors appointment

Robyn M.
Declared: Natural Resources ManagementMeet with the advisor or faculty members/professors in the department you’re interested in – look for them on the department’s website

Cameron S.
Exploring: Natural Resources Resources Tourism or Hospitality ManagementCheck out the CSU Career Center in the Lory Student Center for drop-in hours (10-2) for major exploration & career path connections or schedule an appointment with a career educator through Handshake.

Brian P.
Declared: Health and Exercise Science, Sport Science Concentraion.Get involved – organizations, clubs, & other activities are great ways to find out what you like & don’t like! Try out involvement advising through SLiCE to find out what fits for you.

Sara M.
Declared: Liberal ArtsTake classes or sit-in on a class – look up classes through RamWeb’s course look-up & the CSU Catalog

Elliot C.
Academic Success CoordinatorReflect. Reflect. Reflect. What do you like? Not like? Why? What do you value? When do you feel at your best? What is most important to you in a major or career? Why are you here at CSU?

Raquel W.
Declared: Ethnic StudiesHave your own advice for deciding on a major? Let us know!