See the courses and activities recommended to explore within this track
Majors in the Fields of Global & Social Sciences

Would you like to understand how human biology, behavior and the natural environment have interacted to produce past or present cultures? Do you wonder why all human groups have creation myths and practice marriage customs? Has the question of how human beings came to be human ever interested you? A major in anthropology may be a fit if you are curious about any of these issues.
Department website: Anthropology and Geography
Catalog: Major in Anthropology
Business Administration

Are you interested in being an effective leader and decision maker in dynamic business environments? Does data analysis and interpretation interest you? Are you a good communicator and team worker? Are technical expertise, accuracy, and accountability important to you? Do you like learning about how businesses are shaped by financial, economic, legal, ethical, social, and organizational influences? Do you like learning about information systems and interpersonal communication? If so, a degree in Business Administration may be for you.
College website: Business
Catalog: Major in Business Administration
Communication Studies *

Are you hoping to receive a broad-based, liberal arts education? Is a major that can prepare you for a multitude of different careers appealing to you? Do you have interest in the media and visual culture, relational and organizational communication, and rhetoric and civic engagement? Would you like to further you knowledge and understanding of human communication? If so, you should consider a major in Communication Studies.
Department website: Communication Studies
Catalog: Major in Communication Studies
Data Science
Data Science is the discovery of knowledge and insight through the analysis of data. As such, it draws on the study of algorithms and their implementation from computer science, the power of abstraction and of geometric and topological formalism from mathematics, and the modeling and analysis of data from statistics. It has emerged as a separate field in response to the avalanche of data from web enabled sensors and instrumentation, mobile devices, web logs and transactions, and the availability of computing power for data storage and analysis. Modern data is challenging not only due to its large scale, but also because it is increasingly heterogeneous and unstructured. Information gleaned from this data none-the-less is revolutionizing diverse areas of human endeavor from health policy to high energy physics.
There are 5 concentrations in Data Science:
Computer Science
CSU Catalog: Data Science
Early Childhood Education *

Are you curious about the way human beings grow and develop? Have you ever wondered how environmental and social factors affect physical, cognitive, and emotional development? Have you ever thought about a career teaching kids from birth to grade 3 or directing a childcare center? If your answer to any of these questions is “yes,” then a major in Early Childhood Education may be for you.
Department website: Human Development and Family Studies
Catalog: Major in Early Childhood Education

Are you curious about the forces that affect our economic welfare? Are you interested in the history of economic thought, philosophies, and institutions? Would you like to apply mathematical and statistical techniques to the analysis of economic problems? Are you interested in international trade and finance? Would you enjoy helping businesses explore new markets? If any of your answers are “yes,” then a major in Economics may be for you.
Department website: Economics
Catalog: Major in Economics
English *

Do the insights of literary figures from different cultures and time periods interest you? Do you enjoy communicating ideas imaginatively and effectively? Does analyzing works of prose and poetry intrigue you? Would you like to develop a career in writing, editing or teaching? Does poetry awaken your spirit? Have you dreamed about writing a play or a novel one day? If you answered “yes” to any of these questions, then a major in English may be for you.
Department website: English
Catalog: Major in English
Environmental & Natural Resources Economics

How will humanity feed a growing population? How do agricultural markets function? Can environmental costs be measured and mitigated? How will the world’s scarce natural resources be allocated? These are a few of the issues that agricultural and resource economists deal with every day.
Department website: Agricultural and Resource Economics
Catalog: Major in Environmental and Natural Resource Economics
Ethnic Studies *

Are you fascinated by examining race, gender, class, sexuality, and other forms of social differentiation? Do you get excited learning about these socially constructed ideas shape the histories and experiences of racially marginalized groups? Are you interested in understanding issues of power, privilege, and social justice? Do you want to grow as a civic-minded and culturally informed student? Are you interested in strengthening the communities you are a part of? A yes answer may mean you should consider an Ethnic Studies major.
Department website: Ethnic Studies
Catalog: Major in Ethnic Studies
Family & Consumer Sciences *

Would you enjoy educating or counseling individuals and families to help them prevent or solve problems that affect daily living and needs? Would you like to be a representative for a company that manufactures or sells housewares, foods, or furnishings? Would you like to teach in middle or high school, possibly focusing on a career-oriented program? If your answer to any of these questions is “yes” then a major in Family and Consumer Sciences may be for you.
Program website: Family and Consumer Sciences
Catalog: Major in Family & Consumer Sciences
History *

Are you interested in understanding and interpreting past human events? Would you like to learn how and why important political and economic decisions were made? Are you interested in the histories of other cultures? Would you like to write a history of your community? Are you interested in genealogy, archiving, teaching, or becoming a curator of a museum? If you answered “yes” to any of these questions, a major in History may be for you.
Department website: History
Catalog: Major in History
Human Development & Family Studies

Are you interested in learning about the way human beings grow through the specific stages of human development such as infancy, childhood, adolescence, adulthood and aging? Have you ever wondered how environmental and social factors affect physical, cognitive, and emotional development? Have you ever thought about a career in family counseling or working with youth in various settings? If your answer to any of these questions is “yes” then a major in Human Development and Family Studies may be for you.
Department website: Human Development and Family Studies
Interdisciplinary Liberal Arts

Are you committed to a life of learning and a broad-based education? Are you interested in knowing about past and contemporary cultures? Would you like exposure to a diversity of worldviews? Do you wish to develop excellent writing, speaking, thinking, and reading abilities? Would you like to study human behavior, history, and institutions in diverse societies? A “yes” answer may mean a major in Liberal Arts could be good for you.
Program website: Interdisciplinary Liberal Arts
International Studies

Are you drawn to worldwide career opportunities for graduates with foreign language skills? Would you like exposure to a diversity of worldviews? Do you wish to develop excellent writing, speaking, thinking, and reading abilities? Would you like to study human behavior, history, and institutions in diverse societies? If you answered “yes” to any of these questions, then a major in international studies may be a good fit for you.
Program website: International Studies
Catalog: Major in International Studies
Journalism & Media Communication

Would you like to write and share information about a wide variety of topics? Does investigating and reporting real, behind-the-scenes stories intrigue you? Does the fast moving world of public relations and promotion of the latest products sound exciting to you? Would you like to use modern techniques and the tools of video communication? Then a major in Journalism and Media Communication may be what you are looking for.
Department website: Journalism and Media Communication
Languages, Literatures, and Cultures *

Would you travel knowing you can communicate effectively and comfortably? Are you interested in learning about the geography, history, literature, and culture associated with the foreign language you learn? Would you like to become proficient in communicating in and understanding, speaking, reading, and writing in another language? If so, a major or minor in Languages, Literature & Culture may be for you.
Department website: Languages, Literature, and Culture
Natural Sciences *

Would you like to be a high school or middle school science teacher? Do you seek a broad exposure to mathematics and the physical sciences, rather than specialization in one discipline? Do you have the skills to critically interpret scientific data? Are you considering graduate studies in science education, professional schools (e.g., medicine or law), or in the basic or applied sciences? A “yes” answer may mean natural sciences could be a good major for you.
Program website: School of Education
Catalog: Major in Natural Sciences
Political Science

Are you fascinated by the fast-moving political events shaping our lives? Would you like to understand how government works and how people and events influence it? Do you wonder how public policies shape behavior and influence the course of history? Does becoming involved in international relations intrigue you? Are you concerned about individual rights and how to protect them? If your answers are “yes,” then Political Science may be the right major for you.
Department website: Political Science
Catalog: Major in Political Science

Are you interested in how the human mind works? Do you wish to understand human behavior? Do the processes of development, perception, learning, motivation, and thinking intrigue you? Would you like to better understand how psychology relates to the physiological and social functioning of animals and humans? Are you interested in a major that qualifies you for a wide range of occupations? Consider a major in psychology!
Department website: Psychology
Catalog: Major in Psychology
Social Work

Do you have a concern for people and their interactions with society? Would you like to problem solve within your community? Can you see yourself working with social service agencies, groups, individuals, and families on goals of enhancing well-being and promoting social and economic justice? Would you like to gain practical experience in local agencies? If so, a social work major may be something to consider.
Department website: Social Work
Catalog: Major in Social Work

Would you like to know how other societies work and evolve and what we can learn from their successes and failures? Do you wonder why humans practice religion, engage in crime, and play at sport? Would you like to know how you could contribute to the solution of a pressing social problem? If your answers to these questions are “yes”, then a major in Sociology may be right for you.
3 concentrations are available:
Environmental Sociology
Criminology and Criminal Justice
General Sociology
CSU General Catalog entry
* — denotes Undergraduate Teacher Licensure available for that major